Sunday, August 26, 2007

Review of Ellusionst

I heard about this company a while ago. I decided to check them out when first starting magic. Now I will admit, they do have SOME great exclusive tricks, such as Fraud. However, in my opinion, it is all about money to them. What ever happened to a simple magic store that sells magic tricks? Ellusionist is selling everything from T-Shirts to Dog Tags. I feel they will sell and do anything to make a quick buck. It is also funny how ALL their reviews for tricks and products are simply amazing. Every trick is just the greatest thing known to man and simply could not get better. When you read a review of a trick on their website, you simply read 10/10 reviews. You never read the real honest reviews. Can a trick really be that amazing that it deserves a perfect 10? No, not unless it is REAL magic, which none of these tricks are. How come no bad reviews you ask? Not because there are no bad reviews, but because it may tell the truth, which Ellusionist does not do much of. I feel that they hype up every product possible in every possible way. They make Hollywood movie trailers, which are used just to sell the trick. I would much rather see the trick with NO editing then what they do. Also, the prices are outrageous. Just for one example, an uncut sheet of playing cards. Those playing cards that run about $3 a deck. Just imagine that before it being cut. Well, you can get it from Ellusionist if you are willing to spend $250. $250 for uncut cardboard? I don't even have to explain why that is outrageously ridiculous, I am sure you can figure it out. Now this is just my honest opinion of Ellusionst. I am not saying do not shop/associate with them, I just wanted to give my honest opinion from an honest guy, unlike the people at Ellusionist.

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