Thursday, August 23, 2007

Homemade Appearing or Dissapearing Cane

Shower Rod Cover(I'll try to explain below)
Cheap Pen Cap
Spray paint
Rubber bands
Really Small Solid Ball(imagine rolling up a rubber band into a ball(that big))
Super glue

Time or Hair Dryer

Shower Rod Cover?:
It is like a plastic tube(with a slit going down it). It is very similar to blinds for your windows. It bends and snaps back kind of the same way. Except more rolled up to resemble a tube. It comes in several colors but probably not the best for canes except white.(Jeff Mcbride uses a white cane in one of his acts)

Where to purchase?:
Well,I'm sure you guys know where to get materials such as spray paint and a pen cap. But to get the shower rod cover you need to go to the Home Depot in the shower section.(In my Home Depot it is by the towel bars). They run about 2-4 dollars ea.

Roll out the shower rod cover. It should be about 3 inches wide and several feet tall(maybe 4-6). Cut it so it is about 2 inches wide. You can spray paint it to your liking,but may make it open(or close) slower.Now you will cut the end of it so it looks like a pyramid with a bar on top. You cut the sides so the end up at the closest point about half and inch from each other then you go outwards to make a bar shape about an inch long and 1/3 inch wide. Now Take a pen cap and slice a slit about 3/4 of an inch long. Then cut off the tip. Take the tiny ball and super glue it to the pen cap(the top). Paint that piece black. It will be the head of the cane. Insert the tiny bar shaped end of the shower rod cover into the slit. It should stay but glue it to be safe. Now start rolling it up at the pen cap side downwards. It should end up being a two inch cylinder with a pen cap in the middle.

Now for Conditioning(to make appearing or disappearing)

Appearing Cane:
Ok. now grab the cap in the middle of the cylinder and pull extending the cane(maybe 3-4 feet long). Put a tight rubber band around it at about every 5 inches or so. Leave it extended with the bands on it for about 24 hours. Or alternatively you can condition it with a hairdryer making the conditioning part less time consuming. I have not experimented with how long since i just wait the day for it to condition. After the 24 hours it should be in the state where if you try to push it back in the cylinder,and let go, it will spring back out. For Performance put the tip and stuff back into the cylinder form and tightly rubber band it. When you want it to appear take off the band(secretly of course) and the release of pressure should make it extend.

Disappearing Cane:
It is much easier to condition. You just put a rubber band around the cylinder form. Leave it in a warm-hot place for two days. Thus making it spring inwards.

Thats about it.
Much better than paying 23-32 dollars.


Unknown said...

can you make tutorial with picture or video
its much more easier to understand

Unknown said...

Is there a specific brand of curtain rod that you are using?

Nick said...

Not in particular. Many brands will work just fine.

Unknown said...

Just buy it.don't waste your time